Resources for the Home

Parenting and Faith at Home Resources 

  “Almost without exception, those young people who are growing in their faith as adults were teenagers who fit into one of two categories; they came from families where Christian growth was modelled in at least one of their parents, or they had developed significant connections with an extended family of adults within the church.” -Mark DeVries writes in his book Family-Based Youth Ministry.

Reimagining partnership with parents 

This brief article casts a great vision for how churches can support parents to thrive in the vital God-given role they have to nurture faith and character in their children: 


Listed below are resources to help families with parenting and faith formation of their children/young people: 

Great resources for faith at home 

Parenting for Faith

Sticky Faith for Parents (Fuller Youth Institute) – Sticky Faith Parents is designed for parents who are concerned about how faith is shaping their children’s life, what will happen to their faith when they leave home, and how to help build Sticky Faith in their kids – and provides practical relationship and programming ideas that develop long-term faith in teenagers. 

Faith Gateway Family – Family Devotionals & Articles (HarperCollins Christian Publishing) – FaithGateway is an online community for readers to discover great content and engage with their favorite Christian authors. FaithGateway has a section on Family with family devotions, faith practices, family life activities, and articles for parents. Sign up for the blog to receive the family activities via email. 

Family Fire (ReFrame Media)– Family Fire is a community of fellow-strugglers in marriage and families, led by Steven & Deb Koster, whose goal is to encourage people and stoke the Holy Spirit’s flame in their home. The website has articles and resources in several sections: Dating, Christian Marriage, Parenting, Spirituality, and Sexuality. There is a also a weekly blog on a family topic, and a free daily devotion. 

HomeWord– HomeWord by Jim Burns educates, equip, and encourages parents and churches to build God-honoring families from generation to generation by offering resources, seminars, webinars, daily devotional, and a culture blog. 

Living Well: Christian Practices for Everyday Life (LifelongFaith Associates)– The Living Well resources includes twelve essential practices for living a Christian way of life: Caring for the Body, Celebrating Life, Discernment, Dying Well, Eating Well, Forgiving, Keeping Sabbath, Managing Household Life, Participating in Community, Praying, Reading the Bible, and Transforming the World. There are learning activities and study guides for each chapter.  

Vibrant Faith at Home (Vibrant Faith) – Vibrant Faith at Home is a multi-age faith formation resource center – young families, teen families, young adults, adults/couples – with hundreds of faith forming activities to equip and empower households to: talk with each other about their faith, pray together, ritualize their important moments, reach out in service and support of others, learn about the Christian faith, and explore and read the Bible. 


General Parenting Resources  

Covid 19 Related Resources 


Common Sense Media – Common Sense Media is dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology; and empower parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives – including reviews of movies, videos, apps, and video games.